The Social Media landscape today can seem polluted by hundreds and hundreds of B2B companies’ self-promotional and salesy messaging. In honor of Earth Day (I’m a little late) I wanted to talk about utilizing some environmentally friendly principles we use to better the earth and apply them to our social media strategies.

What better way to do this than to focus on the “three R’s”?!

Reduce: When I say reduce, I mean reduce redundancies, not posting consistency. Take a step back and look at your current social media strategy. Are there ways for you to streamline your process? Are you spending too much time searching for content to share, scheduling posts or writing content that doesn’t have high levels of engagement? Take time this week to eliminate redundancies and streamline your process. The less time you use writing posts that you know don’t get high levels of engagement or physically scheduling posts out on each network, the more time you could spend determining metrics and numbers deduced from your efforts and using that data to your advantage.

Reuse: Break up your branded messaging by sharing content from around your industry. Use content curation tools and newsfeeds to find content that is relevant to your followers and reuse their content by sharing it! Not only do you gain some positive karma from the publication you are sharing it from, but you also give your followers another reason to stay tuned. It shows you don’t have blinders on when it comes to content and your brand is fully immersed in all the latest news pertaining to your industry.

Recycle: The last piece of the puzzle, but arguably most important piece, is recycling content you already have, especially when it comes to Twitter. We often find that our clients create great content in the form of blogs, whitepapers, videos, and webinars. The content is then shared once the asset is live and not much after that. Share and re-share your content, tweaking the messaging where you can.

Bonus Tip: Creating evergreen content is another way to avoid content pollution on social media and stands alone as a renewable source for posts across your channels.

Like everything with marketing, strategy should be behind everything that you do. Do not over spam your channels with old content, or post too frequently in comparison to your number of followers, it’s a balancing act just like our ecosystem.