In today’s digital age, having a blog for your company website is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. Any B2B marketing maven should know a business blog is an absolute must have for a successful content strategy. This is the one place it is okay to let loose a little, cut the corporate speak and let your personality shine. It’s also the easiest way to incorporate the human side of your business, the side where your current and future clients feel as though they are talking to a real person, not just a vendor.

Keeping an updated blog with company insights, industry news, and unique and informative content is not only beneficial for brand awareness, website traffic and lead generation, but it is something your target audience craves and actively searches for. Whether you want to believe it or not, a blog truly is one of the most important pages on your website.

With all these benefits, it’s crazy to think that many businesses are still not taking advantage of blogging. After doing some of my own research on why this could be, I feel it comes down to one reason: it takes time. It takes time to find content, write content, consistently add fresh new content and it takes even longer to build an audience that genuinely wants to read that content you put so much time into. But isn’t that the same for any marketing tactic?

If you still aren’t convinced on adding blogging to your marketing efforts, I’ve found a few facts to hopefully change your mind.

Why You Really, Really, REALLY Need a Blog

Increase website traffic

Why have an awesome website if no one visits it? High traffic is the name of the game isn’t it? Research shows companies that blog generate 55% more site visits and receive 97% more links to their website than those who don’t. If you want more clicks back to your website, a blog is the way to go.

Boost SEO ranking

Search engines like to reward websites that are continuously creating quality, relevant, and fresh content. Google is practically begging you for it. What better way to do this than through an ongoing blog strategy?

Gain trust

Because the nature of a blog has a personal touch to it, this element helps build trust with clients, prospects, and others in your industry. If you are consistently producing information, accurate information and sharing it across your marketing mediums, you will soon see others referring to you and your company as a reputable source and industry thought leader.

One Thing To Remember

As mentioned above, blogging takes time. Building an audience to read your blog will take time. Don’t let that discourage you from blogging. The only price you pay for blogging is your time. While it may stretch some resources in the short-term, the future return on investment will undoubtedly pay off.