It’s been designed and developed. The branding guidelines are finalized, and the content is approved. You’re ready to launch your brand new B2B website!

But wait! Not so fast.

We know how hectic things can get when rushing a website project so we understand that testing your B2B website is often overlooked in the mad rush to get your new site up and running. However, there are a few things you should consider before pressing the “publish” button on your B2B website.

Because your B2B website is one of the most important marketing tools available at your disposal, it’s important that you conduct the proper tests that will dramatically improve the performance of your site and keep your users happy.

B2B Website Checklist: The 4 Errors to Avoid

Here are four tasks that you should be checking on your website to ensure that your site meets your client’s and users’ expectations:

1) Browser Compatibility

Before you jump into the process of promoting your killer new B2B website, you need to be sure that it works on every single device that your audiences uses. Are they accessing your website on a laptop or mobile device? Is that transition seamless for them or is the user experience different?

We all have a preferred browser we use daily, right? If your site isn’t compatible on the browsers mostly used by your target users, not only will be frustrated when trying to access it, but there’s a good chance they won’t come back to try again.

2) Thin, Spammy and/or Duplicate Content

When creating a brand new site or restructuring an existing site, a quick audit of your content inventory can be extremely useful. By doing so, you can see which pages have content that is not resonating with users. The content on your B2B website is invaluable to prospects and even current clients – it’s actually the main reason they come to your site. Avoiding content that is repetitive, irrelevant and unoriginal helps you better serve your web users with the information they are looking for and use it to better understand how your services can help provide a solution to their problems.

3) Error Pages

Out of all the different ways to derail a user from converting to a lead, errors like 404 and 500 pages is probably the most common form of distraction for your B2B website. While an easy mistake to make (and fix), the number of error pages on your site not only affects users, but it can affect your sites visibility too.

4) Security

To be honest, every site can have security issues. It’s up to you and your webmaster to keep all eyes on any software or version updates that may need to be made when available. Also ensuring you’re not giving the wrong people access to your site can help disastrous errors from being made to your beautiful B2B website you worked so hard on.

To yield better results and attraction to and from your website require consistent monitoring, testing and updating. Your B2B website is never a set it and forget it type of process. Be sure the experience for your users is one that is properly taken care of. Your website visitors will thank you.

Read about 6 things to remove from your B2B website.