With eight in 10 online health inquiries starting at a search engine and 39% of individuals searching for information related to someone else’s health or medical situation, you understand the importance and value an excellent website brings to the health of your business. You’ve been hard at work crafting a biopharma web strategy and now you have to secure leadership buy-in to see your vision come to life. However, an overwhelming 4/5 leaders feel they aren’t prepared to craft and get buy-in for their team vision. Tying web strategy to organizational performance is priority #1. But then what?

How to get leadership buy-in

Similarly to how your business caters to different audiences and personas, the same is true for your buy-in approach. All of the stakeholders need to understand the value the web strategy is offering the business as well as their department to truly feel invested and support the vision and strategy you’ve outlined.

With an outstanding biopharma web strategy, your website will:

  • Distinguish your company in the competitive landscape of biopharma
  • Emphasize the groundbreaking work your company does
  • Create a visceral connection with your audience
  • Offer a seamless experience across digital platforms
  • Influence and effectively change behavior
  • Educate and speak to healthcare professionals on a relatable level so they truly know you understand their challenges and offer the precise solutions
  • Attract potential investors and employee candidates
  • Creatively and uniquely represent your brand, mission & values
  • Accurately measure and track key performance indicators and metrics

Take your biopharma web strategy over the finish line together

When your team feels like they can bring their thoughts, ideas and vision to the table, your web strategy now becomes a project you can fine tune and complete as a team. This approach encourages everyone to feel accountable and vested in seeing the project through to completion.

Often people are afraid of change because of the unknown. Reiterate that you’ve thought out the web strategy past site launch.

To be positioned to succeed in tomorrow’s market, you know the key to long-term success is integrating digital marketing into your web strategy. When outlining your strategy, reassure your colleagues that once your site is launched, digital marketing in the form of search engine optimization, PPC advertising and social media will be working hard to keep your business fueled with a steady and consistent pipeline of quality leads you can convert into customers.

With a little dose of confidence and the key points above, you’ll go into your meeting armed with the information you need to secure leadership buy-in for your biopharma web strategy in no time.