Tests have shown that you can increase your conversion rate on a website or a link by 73% by the use of a compelling headline. The same idea goes for the copy you choose for each Twitter update you post. With all of our feeds filled with the same repetitive content, it’s important to find the secret sauce in standing out amongst the chatter.

Mastering the Art of Twitter Copywriting

Twitter is a dynamic platform for sharing ideas, content, and engaging with your audience. To make your presence felt in the fast-paced world of social media, it’s crucial to understand how to write better copy on Twitter. This guide will provide you with essential tips and strategies to craft compelling tweets that captivate your followers and boost your online presence.

#1. Simplify Your Twitter Copy (Make Every Character Count)

Because Twitter only allows for 140 characters, it can be hard to create that perfect trifecta tweet that includes content, a link, and an image with such limited space. This is all the reason to simplify your Twitter content so your followers can immediately understand what you’re talking about. Further research on character length showed:

  • Dan Zarrella found that after looking at up to 1.4 million randomly selected tweets from 1.2 million different accounts – tweets between 100 and 115 characters were 34% more likely to be retweeted than tweets outside that range.
  • Adweek’s blog Social Times also found that their magic retweet number was ideally 120 characters or less to allow for maximum retweetability. – this gives followers 20 characters to play with when interacting with your content.
  • Mention recommended tweets that are 100 characters or less tend to get higher conversions. When you’re promoting a link, just write a brief intro – enough that the reader knows what to expect when they click through.
  • Shorten URLs: Utilize URL shorteners to save space and make your links more shareable.

 #2. Tease with Quotes: Write Better Copy to Intrigue

If you have a strong point in your blog post, use it as a teaser when promoting it on your twitter. This tells readers what the post is about and can entice them to click, engage or even share your content with others!

  • Add a Call to Action: Encourage your followers to take action. Whether it’s a “Learn More” or “Tell us your thoughts,” a well-placed call to action can drive engagement.
  • Use A/B Testing: Experiment with different tweet copy to see what resonates best with your audience.

#3. Enhance Engagement with Visuals

Twitter has made a lot of really awesome advancements in regards to sharing visual content. Aside from the ability to include a featured image with the content you are sharing, Twitter also has an entire library of GIFs to keep your followers entertained and laughing throughout the day. Remember, emotions help connect with users and colorful imagery is a great way to help turn them into leads.

  • Create Infographics: Visualize data and insights with infographics to make complex information digestible.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your images and visuals look great on mobile devices, where most Twitter users browse.

 #4. Amplify Visibility with Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to reach members of your industry that you’re still building relationships with as well as those who don’t follow you, just yet. The key to leveraging hashtags is to keep them relevant to the topic of your content and your brand – this will help increase brand visibility.

  • Trending Hashtags: Keep an eye on trending hashtags related to your industry or content and join the conversation.
  • Brand-Specific Hashtags: Create a unique brand hashtag to boost your brand’s visibility and encourage user-generated content.

#5. Build Relationships through @Mentions

If you quoted someone in your post or linked back to one of their original pieces of content, let them know when you share it on Twitter! This is a great way to build relationships with influencers and industry professionals who may help spread the word by sharing it on their own timeline. Everyone loves to get the credit they deserve so share the love and they may even start including you in their content!

  • Retweet and Reply: Engage with others by retweeting their content and replying to their tweets.
  • Direct Messages: Use direct messages to have one-on-one conversations and build stronger connections.

Crafting Copy that Counts

If you’ve followed all these tips and have yet to see an increase in your twitter activity and following, you may want to consider using their paid advertising options. From promoted tweets to Twitter cards, there are many affordable ways to help expand the life of your tweets. If you’re looking for new connections, stop by and say hi to us on twitter @emagineusa!

Twitter Copywriting Tips

How long should a tweet be for maximum engagement?

Research suggests that tweets between 100 and 115 characters tend to have higher engagement. However, it’s essential to focus on the quality of your content rather than a strict character count. Ensure that your message is clear, compelling, and relevant to your audience. Sometimes, a shorter tweet is more effective, while in other cases, a longer one may be necessary to convey your message accurately.

Can I use hashtags in every tweet?

While hashtags can boost discoverability and categorize your content, it’s best to use them judiciously. Include relevant hashtags that directly relate to your tweet’s content and purpose. Overloading your tweet with too many hashtags can make it appear spammy and cluttered. Typically, 1-3 relevant hashtags per tweet are sufficient. It’s also essential to ensure that the hashtags you use are specific to your message and audience.

What’s the ideal image size for Twitter?

Twitter recommends using images with a 16:9 aspect ratio, typically around 1200×675 pixels, for optimal display on various devices. This size ensures that your images look great on both desktop and mobile screens. Keep in mind that image quality and relevance to your tweet’s content are equally important. High-quality, visually appealing images can significantly enhance your tweet’s engagement.

How can I track the performance of my tweets?

Twitter provides analytics that can help you track the performance of your tweets. You can also use third-party tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite.

Happy Tweeting!