Your B2B website is by far your most valuable marketing tool. But in order for it to work as the powerful platform that it should, your website needs to be supported by a powerful Content Management System. At emagine, we’ve tried many CMS options, even creating our own software at one point. After a few trial and errors, we finally found the one – WordPress. Very quickly, we found that WordPress not only exceeded our website and marketing goals, but our clients’ too.

1) It puts you back in control.

On the web, speed and ease are critical. As a marketer responsible for maintaining a B2B website, spending precious time getting a hold of a proprietary web developer to make changes as simple as a spelling error or a broken link is a huge waste of anyone’s time. It’s also unreliable — for every minor detail that is unable to be fixed in-house, you risk losing valuable visitors and website traffic from every second that passes.

WordPress provides full control over your B2B website and marketing initiatives. You will never have to sit and wait for a developer to manually reconstruct web pages for a new product, service, or marketing campaign from scratch again. Rather, a WordPress developer will create a customized page that is consistent with the look and feel of your site that can be used as a template and replicated when needed.

2) WordPress supports your SEO efforts.

Another critical element of your B2B website: SEO.  With WordPress, optimizing content has never been easier or more efficient. With the support of plugins, marketers can reduce common SEO mistakes and better understand the quality of their content and how it is effecting the overall health of their B2B website.

SEO support also reduces friction when search engines crawl your web pages and content for ranking purposes. Not only will all relevant content be accounted for, it will also have been conducted in a manner that makes sense for both users and search engines.

3) It improves communication across large enterprise corporations.

In addition to providing B2B marketers full control of their brand’s website, WordPress improves workflow across all levels and departments in your business. In most cases, there are many people who will have access and input into a corporate website, from those who add new website pages to those who produce blog posts. WordPress makes it easy to manage these roles and set the proper publishing permissions for each unique user.

There’s no more need to chase down the status of project or piece of content, or worry that something published live without approval. With WordPress, managers from all departments can immediately assess what’s already been done with a given project and assign what’s coming next.

4) It’s a sustainable, secure, and scalable tool for growth.

As your business grows, you’ll website will need to grow accordingly. Think ahead to one, two, or even five years from now. Where do you see your business? Presumably, you want to triple or quadruple your revenue, right? In order to do so, you’ll also need to consider the amount of increased website traffic and the quality of leads you desire in the years ahead. And the time and money spent dealing with proprietary website vendors is eventually going to take a toll on your B2B website (and marketing budget), effecting the successful online presence you worked so hard for. WordPress allows you to grow your website with your business and support the influx of traffic and leads coming in as a result of your success.

Ask yourself: Do you want to continue growing your business online? Your ability to do so is dependent on delivering your website visitors with a seamless user experience and providing relevant and up-to-date information at the right time, and you simply can’t do this effectively without a CMS.