The marketing industry, in general, has seen major shifts over the last few years. The biggest shift is one that may require a new mindset: the increasing importance of content marketing.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. The goal of content marketing is to build a relationship with the audience, establish trust, and ultimately drive profitable customer action. Instead of directly promoting a brand, product, or service, content marketing seeks to provide information, entertainment, or utility that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience.

At the heart of this is the fact that marketers need to provide value to our audience. But remember, marketing is about educating your readers, not selling. In order to do that, digital marketers have to understand their customer personas.  Content marketing meets the target audience at various points on their journey in the marketing funnel. The purpose of this information is to provide valuable content to address specific pain points that each customer may have.

If you haven’t already shifted your marketing efforts to today’s industry standards, it’s time to get back to basics. Welcome to Digital Marketing 101. Below we are sharing the four key pillars of content marketing to help you develop a foundation for a successful strategy.

The Four Pillars of Content Marketing

These four pillars provide a framework for planning and implementing a successful content marketing strategy, covering the key stages from content creation to its consumption and conversion into meaningful actions.

Content Ideation: using outside sources for better content creation and ideation.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when creating new content is to create it “just because”. In order for your content to resonate with the readers you are hoping to attract, you need to craft content they are interested in reading…and that requires some research.  The goal of content marketing is to develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content that resonates with the target audience. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more. Instead of just regurgitating information that is already available, think along the lines of what new and insightful thoughts can you bring to the conversation around your topic area.

Whether it’s from the data you measure from previous content, social media listening and interacting, following the industry news and trends or simply digging into your FAQs from your current clients, there is an abundance of ways to find new ideas for your content marketing.

Common Types of Content for Digital Marketing and Content Strategy

Industry News and Trends:

Keep up with the latest news and trends in your industry. Create content that discusses and provides insights into current happenings.  Google Trends can be a great source of generating ideas that are aligned with current trends in your industry.  Marketing teams can also set up Google Alerts for relevant industry keywords to receive notifications about recent developments.

Evergreen Content:

Create content around evergreen topics that remain relevant over time. This can include fundamental concepts, guides, or tutorials.  This content is ideal for revamping on a periodic basis, so set up a calendar to review and refresh this content as needed.

Refreshing and repurposing older content to give it a new perspective or update information is also a great content marketing technique that typically requires a lighter lift from the marketing team.  This strategy can also be informed by SEO techniques for content optimization that include looking at ranking keywords and adding in information to boost page optimization as you update.

Social Media Q&A:

Use social media platforms to directly ask your audience about their questions, challenges, or topics they would like more information on.  Then use these questions (or comments from your posts) to create new content for posting on social media.  Engage in industry-related discussions on social media platforms to understand common concerns and interests.

Customer Stories and Testimonials:

Share customer success stories or testimonials, or create in-depth case studies that showcase how your product or service solved a specific problem for a customer. This not only provides valuable content but also builds trust in your brand.  While customer testimonials make great content for a website blog, savvy marketers can also use photos and snippets from this long form content to create additional marketing pieces to post on social media.  By cross-linking these resources, digital marketers may be able to convert social media users to website visitors.

FAQs and How-To Guides:

Create content that answers frequently asked questions within your industry or niche.  The sales team may be able to provide customer specific questions that could guide long form content for your website.  Other resources like the People Also Ask questions found on search queries or google’s auto fill feature can give you insight into what people want to know within your industry.

Develop step-by-step guides or tutorials that help your audience solve specific problems or learn new skills.

Content Distribution Strategy : choosing the best distribution channels and unique messaging for greater impact and customer targeting.

As most successful B2B digital marketers know, marketing platforms and social media networks are not one size fits all. What works for one, may not work for you and vice versa. But that’s the great thing about digital marketing – there will always be somewhere for you to find and interact with your audience.

Take the time to find out where your audience is most active and has the most engagement and prioritize your efforts there. Also be sure to create unique messaging for each network, rather than blasting a generic, stale message across all platforms. Remember it’s about creating more than just a campaign; you have to create a conversation as well.

Identify and understand the specific demographics, interests, and needs of your target audience. Content should be tailored to address these audience characteristics.

Content Experience: optimizing your content experience for your target audience.

If you’re spending the time to research the right topics and platforms to reach your audience, why not go the extra step and optimize it for search engines to increase your reach and gain more eyes on your content.

Fresh, relevant content that is optimized with the keywords and phrases in your keyword strategy will not only help increase your readership, but it will also help increase your chances of being ranked for that certain key phrase. Take the time to do it right.

Content Performance: measuring marketing metrics so you know what’s working.

You can’t convince your boss that your content marketing efforts are working if you’re not properly measuring. Depending on the types of content you create and the platforms you use to market it, the metrics you measure may differ for each piece of content or campaign running.

Digging into your social media insights and website analytics will help you better understand what content is resonating with your audience and which isn’t.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. The primary goal of content marketing is to provide information that is helpful and informative, rather than explicitly promoting a brand or product. The content created in content marketing aims to build trust, establish authority, and foster relationships with the audience.

What are the Key elements of a content marketing campaign?

Keep It Centered on the Target Audience

Content marketing revolves around creating and delivering content that deeply resonates with the target audience. This approach prioritizes understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your audience to tailor content specifically to them. Here are key elements to consider in the audience-centric aspect of a content marketing campaign:

revolves around understanding the needs and interests of the target audience. The content is tailored to address their questions, concerns, and challenges.

  • Start by conducting thorough research to understand your target audience. This includes demographics, psychographics, preferences, pain points, and behaviors. Tools such as surveys, interviews, social media analytics, and customer feedback can provide valuable insights.
  • Develop detailed buyer personas that represent different segments of your audience. Each persona should include information about the individual’s goals, challenges, motivations, and preferred channels of communication.
  • Tailor your content to address the specific needs and interests of each buyer persona. Personalization can involve customizing the messaging, tone, and format of your content to resonate with different audience segments.
  • Understand the stages of the customer journey and create content that aligns with each stage. This includes content for awareness, consideration, decision-making, and post-purchase support. Map your content to the customer’s progression through these stages.
  • Ensure that your content is relevant and provides value to your audience. Answer their questions, solve their problems, and address their pain points. Valuable content builds trust and establishes your brand as a reliable source of information.
  • Recognize the diverse channels your audience uses for information consumption. Your content should be accessible and optimized for various platforms, including social media, email, blogs, podcasts, and video. Adapt your content strategy to meet your audience where they are.
  • Encourage engagement and feedback from your audience. Foster a two-way communication channel through comments, social media interactions, surveys, and other means. This helps you understand your audience better and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  • Implement tools to monitor the performance of your content. Analyze metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and social media engagement. Use data-driven insights to refine your content strategy and optimize for better results.
  • Content marketing is an iterative process. Regularly review and refine your content based on audience feedback and performance metrics. Stay adaptable and be willing to adjust your strategy as your audience evolves.
  • Maintain consistency in your brand voice across different content pieces. Consistency helps in building brand recognition and reinforces the brand’s values in the minds of your audience.
  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your campaign goals. Measure the impact of your content on audience engagement, lead generation, conversion rates, and overall business objectives.

By placing the audience at the center of your content marketing strategy, you create content that not only attracts attention but also builds meaningful connections and relationships with your target audience. This customer-centric approach is vital for long-term success in content marketing.

Create Valuable Content:

Content marketing emphasizes the creation of high-quality, valuable content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for the audience. This content can take various forms, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more.

Many successful content marketing strategies incorporate storytelling to make the content more relatable and engaging. Storytelling helps create a connection with the audience and makes the content memorable.

Create Content Consistently

Consistency in content marketing is a fundamental principle that contributes to the success and effectiveness of a brand’s messaging. It involves maintaining uniformity in the delivery of content across various channels, ensuring a cohesive brand identity and message. Consistent content reinforces brand values, establishes familiarity with the audience, and builds trust over time. This consistency extends beyond visual elements to encompass the tone of voice, messaging style, and even the frequency of content publication. When a brand consistently delivers relevant and valuable content aligned with its identity, it reinforces its authority in the industry and fosters a stronger connection with the audience. Moreover, consistency aids in creating a predictable and reliable experience for consumers, enhancing the overall brand perception. Whether through blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, maintaining a unified and consistent approach in content marketing reinforces a brand’s authenticity, ultimately contributing to customer loyalty and sustained engagement.

Multichannel Distribution: 

Effective multichannel distribution in content marketing involves a strategic approach to deliver content seamlessly across diverse platforms, ensuring maximum reach and engagement. A fundamental practice is to thoroughly understand your target audience’s demographics, behaviors, and preferences, allowing you to select the most suitable channels for content dissemination. 

Customization is key, and adapting content to match the unique format, tone, and expectations of each platform enhances its relevance and impact. Consistency in branding across all channels reinforces your brand identity, making it easily recognizable and cohesive. Utilizing a well-structured content calendar aids in planning and organizing releases, facilitating a cohesive strategy. 

Optimization for search engines (SEO) on each platform enhances discoverability, while engaging in social listening helps you stay attuned to industry conversations and build relationships with your audience. Diversifying content formats, from blog posts to videos and podcasts, caters to diverse audience preferences. Paid promotion on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can boost content visibility, while mobile optimization ensures accessibility on smartphones and tablets. 

Encouraging cross-promotion across channels leverages your existing presence to reach different audience segments and drive traffic seamlessly. By implementing these best practices, you can create a comprehensive and effective multi channel content distribution strategy that maximizes the impact of your content.

Have Measurable Goals:

Content marketing efforts are typically aligned with specific, measurable goals, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or enhancing brand awareness. Metrics like page views, engagement, and conversions are used to assess the effectiveness of content.  Regularly measuring and analyzing key metrics allows you to refine your strategy based on performance data. Adaptability is crucial, as platforms may evolve, and staying informed enables you to adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Sometimes we all need to go back to the basics and remember the basic rules of digital marketing 101. Following these four pillars will help you spend more time creating content that provides value to your audience, and not just another voice.