Last week we broke down the most effective platforms for B2B social media marketing. With Twitter coming in as the 2nd most effective platform year after year, it’s certainly a platform to be reckoned with. So today we’re sharing a few tips to help your social media marketing and make your tweets more shareable.

Be Easy to Find

Just like your corporate website, if a user cannot find your tweet or twitter handle, they won’t be able to help share your message. Keeping your twitter handle, profile picture and any branded hashtag or messaging consistent with the branding seen across the other social media networks you have a presence on.

Utilize Hashtags Properly

Hashtags provide enormous benefits when it comes to staying up-to-date with your brand, industry trends as well as your competitors. Unfortunately, far too often marketers are seen including hashtags in the wrong social platforms or overloading their tweets with too many.  When using an automation service, it can be easy to streamline your messages across all social media networks, even if they don’t support hashtags. By doing so, you risk making your brand look unprofessional and irrelevant.

In order to stay in the good graces of your social media followers, be sure to stay under 3 hashtags per tweet and ensure they are consistent and relevant with the content you’re using it for.

Watch the Time

The Internet seems to have all the answers when it comes to deciphering the best time to tweet. The problem with following these “expert” advice columns is shown in the generalization of “best time worldwide” and providing you with findings that are not relevant to your unique audience. Your audience of clients and prospects differ from your competitors. If you have a large client base in a different time zone than your operating office, it may be best to tweet according to their social media habits, rather than piggy-backing off the local competition.

Another aspect to consider about time, is the amount of times you share your content. Because twitter receives on average, 6,000 new tweets per second, you have the opportunity to share a single message more than once in hopes of catching new eyes and engagement.

Influence with Power Words

Certain words, like persuasive words, hold more power over our decision making process than others. This infographic perfectly breaks down the best power words for each social media network, and as for Twitter, including some of these words can help get you more retweets

  • Free
  • New Blog Post
  • Check Out
  • Help
  • You
  • Please
  • Great
  • How To

Include Images

Images can evoke emotions on your followers and better help them connect with your content. Visual content is also more likely to get shared on social media. To prove this point, Buffer did a mini study on their own account and saw that the tweets with images received 18% more clicks, 89& more favorites, and 150% more retweets.

Last but not least…

Return the Favor

The best way to gain is friend is to be a friend. If you’re hoping to increase your following, retweet volume or engagement, make sure you’re doing the same for your current followers!