Your website’s purpose is to educate the user on what you can offer them, and convert them into customers, right? In order to do that effectively, your website’s content needs to be designed in a way that it works as an extra sales person.

“Our words are our emissaries; they tell the world who we are” – Ann Handley, 13 Writing Rules

So how exactly do you do that? Here are 5 things to consider when writing content for your website:

Tone: Too many websites are all about ‘the company’, when in fact your website should be focused on the user, their needs and how you can solve their problems. Don’t waste too much space talking about how great you think you are; let your readers come to that conclusion.

Usability: Never assume users know what you’re talking about or how to find the answers they are looking for. Make sure to use keyword-rich, descriptive link text when mentioning a service/product/or common topic. Using clear calls-to-action to create navigation paths around your site can turn a visitor into a lead.

Structure & Style: Users scan content, not read, so it’s important to prioritize your content with a strong opening and solid closing. Make the body of your content visually appealing by delivering content in chunks with bullet points, quotes and other mixed media. And remember, a page worth creating is a page worth filling. Content length should be at minimum 250-300 words, don’t waste reader’s time with one-line pages.

Mind your manners: asking someone to give you their personal information is a bold move; if you’re gating your content, make sure to put in your end of bargain too. Provide them with entertaining yet educational information that will entice them to fill out that form.

Show your appreciation: Keep your content regularly updated. If necessary, make tweaks to existing content to keep it fresh and make a habit of ensuring all links still work. Not only does it show your readers you care, but also proves to search engines that your site is still worth showing. (For more on this, check out HubSpot’s article on optimizing the past).

At the end of the day, your goal is to make a connection with your reader. So it’s important to know not only what to say, but also how to say it. If you’re struggling with writing content for your website, our online marketing experts are always here to help. Contact us today.